Freitag, 8. Februar 2008


Tonight Melissa and I are having our Abschiedparty not at Bricks but at a lokale called Fladerei.

1070 Wien, Schottenfeldgasse 86

It's off of Burggasse, which was the street that the Volksschule we were in on Monday was at..

So please make it if you can, you year students. =)

Sonntag, 3. Februar 2008

The Week or such

Last week was pretty good, but time is going by noticeably slowly. Certainly NOT going to happen this week... I'm packed every day with stuff and its insane. Also I will be home in 11 days and I don't think I'm anywhere near ready.

Last week was 2x opera, volksoper, not so good as Staats, because of the bad acoustics. But students get any seat in the entire house for 10 euros. You just have to stand in line for one hour before hand and wait until 20 minutes before the show starts and then they sell the left over tickets. Both times I was first in line, and got box seats. The view is good, its great, but your neck always kills afterwards from craning it over. Last week was Mozart: Zauberflöte and Hochzeit des Figaro. Cory came with me to Zauberflöte, and we understood everything and were so proud of ourselves. I thought of how my grandmother wrote me and told me to see Magic Flute first in English, and this brought a reflection on how far I've come along: I think I can say I did what I came here to do, and I'm so glad.

Monday evening was a little funny. It was the first of the famous Austrian balls the week before Lent begins: The Jägerball. Here everyone has to wear national costumes, eg, the dirndl and hunters jacket. I don't think anyone actually wears lederhosen because I don't think I've ever seen them in Austria. But I could be mistaken entirely on what they are.
The thing is, its in the Hofburg palace complex, which is enormous and guarded with police and dogs at every entrance, because everyone in Austria really wants to go to this ball. Magically, somehow, my parents got tickets for this ball and were all dressed and ready to go, when Kerstin said she had another Dirndl in her closet and that if she came home early, I could have her ticket and GO!!! It was extremely exciting, and Iris and I had a right proper girls night in together without brothers or parents. I stayed up until the parents came home, 3, and they had such extreme ticket control this year, it was impossible to get in with someone elses ticket. There was like, hourly control through the ball and you got your hand stamped or something. The good news is, I didn't have to go to school on Tuesday, and there is nothing worse than school on Tuesdays.

Well I think thats it, actually. It's been really hard writing the past month because so much has happened, and I end up just thinking, well I'll just tell them when I get there.

This week looks like this.
Monday-- All day in Elementary school, explaining in 40 minutes the USA to six year old children four times in one day. Then close the bank account, unregister from Vienna, Schönbrunn? and Musikverein for a piano concert in the evening (the really really big famous music hall)
Tuesday--Last worst day of school ever, but ice skating in sport hour, Hundertwasser(?), and maybe Elmayer Kränzchen in the evening (the last ball at the hofburg with inexpensive tickets for young people. I got invited by Florentina and Julia, but I have no dress!!!! Big problem)
Wednesday--First day of Red Cross Erste-Hilf-Kurs in school, until 4, without pause. Theater in der Josefstadt by night
Thursday-- day two of Erste-Hilf-Kurs until 4, evening still open but will likely be filled
Friday-- still nothing in afternoon, last day of dance school and my friend Raphaela's birthday, then Bricks after for Goodbye Melissa and Julia party.
Saturday-- get on a train at 5 in the morning for Salzburg, spend the day with Iris and Kerstin dort, get on a train at 8 or 9 in the evening back home.
Sunday-- church, last big lunch with the Strackes, and then moving in with Clara.
Sunday-Tuesday with Clara's family in Niederösterreich
Tuesday evening-- youth hostel with AFS in Vienna
Wednesday-- Flying home.

Sometime i need to pack and I think I will ship my books back home even though they are going ot charge me 30 euros in tariff to do it. Also a bunch of my clothes are going to their pregnant polish house maid. Hoping to have room to get stuff back home nonetheless. and I hope I have time to breathe sometime.

Na, nonetheless, see you in 11 days.