Sonntag, 20. Januar 2008

What's going on.

Well, I haven't really thought of anything in the past week to write home about! I went to The Nutcracker, and yesterday The Master Singer from Nuremburg (Der Meistersänger von Nürnberg) which was another 6 hour Wagner specialty. All praise holy Germany and stuff. Also six hours standing up.

Umm today I got a 3 euro box seat at the Volksoper, and saw the Opera Ballet School for children perform, which was awesome.

And I think there are still 5 more things i want to see in both Volks- and Staatsoper before I go home.

Whats weird is that I'm just as nervous to go back to the United States as I was to leave it to come here.

3 Kommentare:

Anonym hat gesagt…

i am really excited for you to come home :)

ps: which one says post?!

Unknown hat gesagt…

who could anonymous be? ha ha
anyway I am anxious to see you again and hope that it will not be disappointing to be back in walpole

Anonym hat gesagt…

hello julia. i am a viennaese student und welcome you in our town. make the best out of it. i hope u feel yourself at home and enjyoy your time here.

ps: we all want to know, what you're studying and where you come from...