Freitag, 26. Oktober 2007

Some stories from the week

A few more things from this week that I didn't write about last time

  • I was in a yarn store near my house on Wednesday thinking of new things to knit. I was standing at a box trying to decide upon the green or the pink to match the colors I was getting, and then behind me there was an Americantourist couple. They asked me very slowly if they could look in the same box, and I responded "Oh yeah, no problem" without even thinking. The woman turns to her husband shocked and says, "My goodness, listen to that English!" I laughed and told her I was from Boston. I could hear behind us in German the store owner was talking to the regular old ladies at the store making fun of the couple, because the husband was wearing the traditional mens hat, except completley the wrong way. The storeowner then wanted to give the woman knitting advice, so I was a go between for them! I felt really good about the German I was using and that I could be helpful about it. I was sort of embarrassed by the awkwardness of their American habits, (like talking REALLY loud in a small space) but whatever, thats really small. End story.
  • I went on Wednesdsay night to my friend Clara's flute concert! She plays AMAZINGLY. The kids who performed on piano and violin and so on were also extremely talented for their age, in my opinion, and I really enjoyed it. I met Clara's parents who were very kind and touched that I had wanted to see Clara perform. They took me out to eat some Italian with them after, and I got to know them. They wanted to know why I hadn't been over to their house to visit yet. I realized this evening that Clara is also pretty lonely and feeling the effects of an exchange, because her best friend is in Argentina. So really, we are having a similiar experience because I am missing my own best friends and my family so much. I thought for a while she was being kind to me because she knows my family so well, but I realize she acutally needs someone to hang out with as well.

And on that note, today is the National Holiday in Austria, and i am going with Clara's family to the Art History museum. =)

I'm feeling pretty good here as of this week, but of course I think often of home and I am wondering still what is going on in everyone's lives.

I should go, take care, and keep in touch please!

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